Title of Journal | ISSN (E): | URL | Country | JIF Value 2023 | JIF Value 2024 |
ARC Journal of Nutrition and Growth | 2455-2550 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-nutrition-and-growth/index | India | 5.450 | Under Evaluation |
Scientific Notes of Sumy State Pedagogical University. A Series of Geographical Sciences | 2413-8800 | http://scinotesgeoen.at.ua | Ukraine | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: pedagogy | 2415-3605 | http://nzp.tnpu.edu.ua/ | Ukraine | 4.665 | Under Evaluation |
Dnipropetrovsk University bulletin. History & archaeology series | 2414-9578 | http://www.via.dp.ua | Ukraine | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Economics Business and Political Researches (JEBUPOR) | 2564-7466 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/iktisad | Turkey | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Scientific News | 2415-8194 | http://journal.atu.edu.az/ | Azerbaijan | 6.885 | Under Evaluation |
Journal ICON | 2456-6071 | http://journalicon.com/index.php | India | 6.585 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Home Science Extension and Communication Management | 2348-1099 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJHSECM.html | India | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Journal for Advance Research in Applied Sciences | 2394-8442 | http://iaetsdjaras.org/ | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of New Technology and Research | 2454-4116 | https://www.ijntr.org/ | India | 6.250 | Under Evaluation |
The Lex-Warrier: Online Law Journal | 2319-8338 | www.lex-warrier.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Jankriti Patrika | 2454-2725 | jankritipatrika.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Shtuchnyy intelekt | 1561-5375 | http://www.ipai.net.ua/ | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Bulletin of Science and Practice | 2414-2948 | http://www.bulletennauki.com/ | Russia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Health in the Field | 2383-1375 | http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir/jhf | Iran | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
The Expression: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal | 2395-4132 | www.expressionjournal.com | India | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology | 2395-1052 | http://ijsart.com/Index | India | 6.885 | Under Evaluation |
European Mechanical Science | 2587-1110 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ems/ | Turkey | 6.585 | Under Evaluation |
HOZAN Journal of environmental Sciences | 2476-3764 | https://sites.google.com/site/hozanjournalcom/Home | Iran | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
South Asian Journal of Food Technology and Environment | 23945-168 | www.sweft.in | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Philosophical Theological Research (JPTR) | 2538-2500 | http://pfk.qom.ac.ir/ | Iran | 5.450 | Under Evaluation |
International Healthcare Research Journal | 2456-8090 | http://www.ihrjournal.com | India | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Turkish Journal of Engineering | 2587-1366 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tuje | Turkey | 4.665 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Chemistry, Pharmacy & Technology | 2456-8473 | http://prkhub.com | India | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Chemistry, Pharmacy & Technology | 2456-8473 | http://prkhub.com | India | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management | 2455-6378 | http://ijasrm.com/ | India | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Zeitschrift für internationale strafrechtsdogmatik | 1863-6470 | http://www.zis-online.com/ | Germany | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Nutrition and Food Security (JNFS) | 2476-7417 | http://jnfs.ssu.ac.ir/ | Iran | 5.450 | Under Evaluation |
Contemporary Economic Issues | 2308-2461 | http://economic-journal.net/index.php/CEI/index | Russia | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Annals of Medical Physiology | 2456-8422 | http://amphysiol.com/index.php/amp/ | India | 4.650 | Under Evaluation |
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun | 2443-2067 | http://journal.scadindependent.org/index.php/jipeuradeun | Indonesia | 6.850 | Under Evaluation |
Social Behavior Research & Health | 2538-4813 | http://sbrh.ssu.ac.ir/ | Iran | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
Geomatik | 2564-6761 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/geomatik | Turkey | 6.665 | Under Evaluation |
Turkish Journal of engineering | 2587-1366 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/tuje | Turkey | 5.550 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering Science, Advanced Computing and Bio-Technology | 22495592 | http://www.ijesacbt.org/ | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science (IJSES) | 2456-7361 | http://ijses.com/ | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science | 2455-9024 | http://www.irjaes.com/ | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Professional Development | 2279-0659 | www.ijpd.co.in | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology | 0976-7614 | https://e-journal.sospublication.co.in/index.php/jalrb/index | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Kimya Problemleri | 2221-8688 | http://chim-prob.az | Azerbaijan | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Ipek Yolu | 1810-911X | http://au.edu.az/en/menu/154/ipekyolu-jurnali-haqqinda | Azerbaijan | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research | 2394-7780 | http://www.iaraedu.com | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
Tolooebehdasht | 1728-5198 | http://tbj.ssu.ac.ir/ | Iran | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Social Behavior Research & Health | 2538-4155 | sbrh.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Food Quality and Hazards Control | 2345-6825 | http://www.jfqhc.com | Iran | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (IJAIR) | 2278-7844 | www.ijairjournal.com | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement | 0976-5603 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/ARJCI.htm | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Advance Research Journal of Social Science | 0976-5611 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/ARJSS.html | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Agriculture Update | 0973-1520 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AU.htm | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
An Asian Journal of Soil Science | 0973-4775 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJSS.htm | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Annals of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences | 0976-125X | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/APPS.htm | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Bio Science | 0973-4899 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJBS.html | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Environmental Science | 0973-4759 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJES.html | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Home Science | 0973-4732 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJHS.html | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
Asian Science | 0973-4740 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AS.html | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Engineering and Technology in India | 0976-1268 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/ETI.html | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Food Science Research Journal | 0976-1276 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/FSRJ.html | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Agricultural Engineering | 0974-2662 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJAE.htm | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 0973-130X | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJAS.htm | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Commerce and Business Management | 0974-2646 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJCBM.htm | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Forestry and Crop Improvement | 0976-562X | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJFCI.htm | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Sciences | 0974-2654 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJMS.htm | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Physical Education | 0974-2638 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJPE.html | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Plant Protection | 0974-2670 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJPP.htm | India | 6.350 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Plant Sciences | 0973-1547 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJPS.htm | India | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Processing and Post Harvest Technology | 0976-5638 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJPPHT.htm | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics and Statistics | 2229-7278 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/irjaes.htm | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Rashtriya Krishi (English) | 0974-0759 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/RKe.htm | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Rashtriya Krishi (Hindi) | 0973-1512 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/RKh.htm | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Research Journal of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science | 0976-5646 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/RJAHDS.htm | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
The Asian Journal of Animal Science | 0973-4791 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJAS.html | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
The Asian Journal of Experimental Chemistry | 0973-4783 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJEC.html | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
The Asian Journal of Horticulture | 0973-4767 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJH.htm | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Veterinary Science Research Journal | 0976-1284 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/VSRJ.htm | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Plant varieties studying and protection | 2518-7457 | http://journal.sops.gov.ua/ | Ukraine | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
PLANTICA - Journal of Plant Science | 2456-9259 | http://www.jpsr.in/ | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Elderly Health Journal | 2423-6179 | http//:ehj.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Community Health Research | 2345-2609 | http://jhr.ssu.ac.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=1 | Iran | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Community Health Research | 2345-2609 | http://jhr.ssu.ac.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=1 | Iran | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial Organization | 2521-7054 | http://jomeino.com | Cambodia | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Occupational Hygiene and Health Promotion Journal | 2588-2643 | ohhp.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Epidemiology International | 2455-7048 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/EpidemInt | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
Indian Journal of Youth and Adolescent Health | 2349-2880 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/IJoYAH | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Communicable Diseases | 0019-5138 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JCD | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN AYURVEDA, YOGA, UNANI, SIDHHA & HOMEOPATHY | 2394-6547 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARAYUSH | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Dental & Oral Health | 2456-141X | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARDOH | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine | 2349-7181 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARM | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Healthcare Education & Medical Informatics | 2455-9199 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/IJoHEMI | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Medical Science & Technology | 2394-6539 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARMST | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research | 2455-9318 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/IJoNMR | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Recent Advances in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine | 2454-8642 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/RAPL | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Preventive, Curative & Community Medicine | 2454-325X | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/IJoPCCM | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Integrated Community Health | 2319 - 9113 | http://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/JICH | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Anusanadhan: A Multidisciplinary International Journal (In Hindi) | 2456-0510 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/AMIJ | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Peace, Harmony and Education | 2455-9326 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/IJoARPHE | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Alternative Energy, Environment and Ecology | 2455-3093 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARAEEE | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics and Statistics | 2455-7021 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARAMS | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in English & Education | 2456-4370 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoAREE | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Humanities and Social Science | 2349-2872 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARHSS | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science | 2395-2288 | http://science.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARLIS | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in HR & Organizational Management | 2454-3268 | http://management.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARHROM | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication | 2395-3810 | http://management.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARJMC | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN AERONAUTICS AND SPACE SCIENCE | 2454-8669 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARASS | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN APPLIED MECHANICS & COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS | 2349-7661 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARAMCFD | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING | 2393-8307 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARCEE | India | 5.250 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN GEO SCIENCES & REMOTE SENSING | 2455-3190 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARGSRS | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY | 2456-1428 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARET | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM | 2395-3802 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARES | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING | 2456-1398 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARICE | India | 5.335 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN MANUFACTURING, MATERIAL SCIENCE & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING | 2393-8315 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARMMSME | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY | 2454-8650 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARMET | India | 5.925 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT | 2455-9180 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARPTM | India | 5.125 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN POWER ELECTRONICS & POWER SYSTEMS | 2456-1401 | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARPEPS | India | 5.850 | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING | 2456-429X | http://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/JoARPIE | India | 5.650 | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY | 2456-6683 | http://ijrcs.org/ | India | 5.230 | Under Evaluation |
Texas Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies | 2770-0003 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjm | United States | 8.325 | 9.365 |
Zien Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities | 2769-996X | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/zjssh | United States | 8.625 | 9.775 |
Journal of Pedagogical Inventions and Practices | 2770-2367 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/jpip | United States | 8.765 | 9.550 |
Texas Journal of Medical Science | 2770-2936 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjms | United States | 8.215 | 9.335 |
Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2770-4491 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjet | United States | 8.115 | 9.625 |
Texas Journal of Philology, Culture and History | 2770-8608 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjpch | United States | 8.220 | 9.425 |
Texas Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences | 2771-8840 | http://zienjournals.com/index.php/tjabs | United States | 7.955 | 9.275 |
International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine | 2474-1361 | http://escipub.com/international-journal-of-traditional-and-complementary-medicine/ | India | 5.450 | Under Evaluation |
Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores | 2007-7890 | http://www.dilemascontemporaneoseducacionpoliticayvalores.com | Mexico | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Economic Theory and Law | 2411-5584 | http://econtlaw.nlu.edu.ua | Ukraine | 4.665 | Under Evaluation |
Kesit Akademi Dergisi (The Journal of Kesit Academy) | 2149-9225 | http://www.kesitakademi.com/Anasayfa.aspx | Turkey | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies | 2147-2971 | https://www.jasstudies.com/Anasayfa.Aspx | Turkey | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Economics, Business and Politics | 2587-2559 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ueip | Turkey | 6.885 | Under Evaluation |
Evidence Based Health Policy, Management & Economics | 2538-4716 | http://jebhpme.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | 6.585 | Under Evaluation |
Dialogue Méditerranéen | 2571-9742 | https://www.univ-sba.dz/med_dialogue/index.php/fr/ | Algeria | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance | 2518-0827 | http:www.oasiseduconsulting.com | Kenya | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Acta Velit | 2394-3092 | http://www.saepub.com/journal-info.php?journal-name=ACTAVELIT | India | 6.250 | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research | 2231-2560 | http://www.saepub.com/journal-info.php?journal-name=AJBPR | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Research Journal Of Business Management | 2394-3092 | http://www.saepub.com/journal-info.php?journal-name=ARJBM | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
European Modern Studies Journal | 2522-9400 | http://journal-ems.com/ | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Research | 2304-7461 | http://jmier.elitehall.com | Taiwan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences | 2548-0960 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijeg | Turkey | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
Archives of Occupational Health | 2588-3690 | http:// aoh.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
European Science | 2585-7738 | http://european-science.sk/ | Slovakia | 6.885 | Under Evaluation |
Asos Journal (The Journal of Academic Social Science) | 2148-2489 | http://www.asosjournal.com/Anasayfa.aspx | Turkey | 6.585 | Under Evaluation |
JPPPF - Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika | 2461-1433 | http://journal.unj.ac.id/unj/index.php/jpppf/index | Indonesia | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Transframe | 2455-0310 | www.transframe.in | India | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Pharma Research | 2319-5622 | http://www.jprinfo.com/index.php | India | 5.450 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy | 2277-9469 | http://www.jsrponline.com/index.php | India | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
Scientific News | 2415-8194 | journal.atu.edu.az | Azerbaijan | 4.665 | Under Evaluation |
Mecmua-International Journal Of Social Science | 2587-1811 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/mecmua | Turkey | 6.550 | Under Evaluation |
International Journals of Library Management and Services (IJLMS) | 2349-6347 | http://sal.org.in/index.php/publications/ijlms | India | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
American Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research (AJECR) | 2330-9245 | http://www.ajecr.org | United States | 6.225 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences | 25480-960 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/ijeg | Turkey | 6.005 | Under Evaluation |
Transformatika: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya | 2549-6271 | http://jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/transformatika | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
PSYCHOLINGUISTICS | 2415-3397 | http://psychling.phdpu.edu.ua/index.php/en | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ENLIGHTENING TOURISM. A PATHMAKING JOURNAL | 2174-548X | http://www.uhu.es/publicaciones/ojs/index.php/et | Spain | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Science International | 1013-5316 | www.sci-int.com | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Social Behavior Research & Health | 2538-4155 | http://sbrh.ssu.ac.ir | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH VISION | 2454-3721 | http://www.bioglobia.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Agrarian Economy | 2313-3627 | http://agrarianeconomy.kl.com.ua/agrarianeconomy/index.php/gj | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Management and Economics | 2231-4687 | www.ijme.org | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Internaitonal Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology | 2581-3080 | http://ijpp.edwiserinternational.com/home.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development | 2771-8948 | http://ajird.journalspark.org/index.php/ajird | United States | 8.325 | 9.105 |
Asya Studies | 2602-2877 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/asya | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
international journal of Ayurveda orientation | 2456-1800 | www.ijao.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Account and Financial Management Journal | 2456-3374 | http://everant.org/index.php/afmjh | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advances in Medical Sciences | 2456-6659 | http://ijams.kibanresearchpublications.com/index.php/IJAMS | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advances in Agriculture Sciences | 2456-7515 | http://ijaas.kibanresearchpublications.com/index.php/IJAAS | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SOUTH UKRAINIAN LAW JOURNAL | 2312-928X | http://oduvs.edu.ua/zagalna-informatsiya-pivdennoukrayinskogo-pravnichogo-chasopisu/ | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science | 2548-0294 | http://www.jiasscience.com/ | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Science and Business | 2520-4750 | ijsab.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science | 2548-0294 | http://www.jiasscience.com | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2581-3250 | https://gsconlinepress.com/journals/gscbps/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Food Biology | 2249-4790 | http://updatepublishing.com/journal/index.php/fb | United Arab Emirates | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences (IRJPMS) | 2581-3277 | http://irjpms.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
University Research Resource Journal | 2581-3730 | www.jvresearchjournal.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
parbo kagaj | 2395-597 | www.parbo.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GADL Journal of Inventions in Computer Science and Communication Technology | 2455-5738 | http://gadlonline.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Lviv Clinical Bulletin | 2520-2898 | http://lkv.biz/en/ | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN CONSTRUCTION AND URBAN ARCHITECTURE | 2456-9925 | https://technology.adrpublications.in/index.php/ADRPUB-JofConstruction-Architect/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine | 2394-7047 | https://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/ADRPUB-MedicineJournal/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Integrated Community Health | 2319 - 9113 | https://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/Journal-CommunityHealth-ADR/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INDIAN JOURNAL OF HOLISTIC NURSING | 2348-2133 | https://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/IndianJournal-HolisticNursing/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Trends in Nursing Administration & Education | 2348-2141 | https://medical.adrpublications.in/index.php/Journal-NursingAdminandEducation/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
UNIVERSAL RESEARCH GROUND | 2395-0404 | www.universalresearchground.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research (IJMACR) | 2581-3633 | http://ijmacr.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Indian Journal of Microbiology Research | 2394-5478 | https://www.innovativepublication.com/journal_detail.php?jid=9 | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research | 2395-5929 | http//www.eijfmr.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Gulustan-Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research | 1987-6521 | 2346-7541 | Georgia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
The Journal of Kesit Academy | 2149-9225 | http://www.kesitakademi.com/Anasayfa.Aspx | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
American Journal of Fundamental, Applied & Experimental Research | 2474-9397 | journal.ua-usa.org | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
UPI Journal of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Health Sciences | 2581-4532 | https://uniquepubinternational.com/upi-journals/upi-journal-of-pharmaceutical-medical-and-health-sciences-upi-jpmhs/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
UPI Journal of Chemical and Life Sciences | 2581-4648 | https://uniquepubinternational.com/upi-journals/upi-journal-of-chemical-and-life-sciences-upi-jcls/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
UPI Journal of Business Management and Computer Applications | 2581-4559 | https://uniquepubinternational.com/upi-journals/upi-journal-of-business-management-and-computer-applications-upi-jbmca/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
UPI Journal of Mathematics and Biostatistics | 2581-4672 | https://uniquepubinternational.com/upi-journals/upi-journal-of-mathematics-and-biostatistics-upi-jmb/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of the Pancreas | 1590-8577 | http://pancreas.imedpub.com/ | United Kingdom | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
JOP. Journal of the Pancreas | 1590-8577 | http://pancreas.imedpub.com/ | United Kingdom | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Community Science and Technology | 2455-7536 | jjss.co.in/journal | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International e-Journal of Commerce & Management | 2394-9074 | http://www.iejcm.co.vu/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
World Scientific News | 2392-2192 | http://www.worldscientificnews.com/ | Poland | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Science and Applied Research(IJMSAR) | 2589-9139 | http://ijmsar.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International e-Journal of Commerce & Management | 2394-9074 | http://www.iejcm.co.vu/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM) | 2455-3689 | www.ijrtem.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development | 2320-4850 | http://ajprd.com/index.php/journal/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Medical Research | 2347-3398 | http://aijournals.com/journals/ajmr/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Medical Radiological Research | 2347-3371 | http://aijournals.com/journals/ajmrr/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Neonatology | 2347-3355 | http://aijournals.com/journals/ajcpn/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of New research approaches in management and accounting | 2588-4573 | http://majournal.ir/ | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) | 2458-868X | http://www/ijmsir.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research (IJDSIR) | 2581-5989 | http://www.ijdsir.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Science And Diagnosis Research (IJMSDR) | 2581 - 3935 | http://www.ijmsdr.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research Review | 2638-1001 | http://scmjournals.com/ojs/index.php/jscmrr/index | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies | 2600-8408 | journals.iium.edu.my/al-fiqh | Malaysia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) | 2225-3610 | https://innspub.net/journal/international-journal-of-agronomy-and-agricultural-research-ijaar/ | Bangladesh | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research Guru: Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Subjects | 2349-266X | http://www.researchguru.net/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Data Mining and Management | 2456-9437 | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JoDMM | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering | 2457-001X | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JOCCE | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Instrumentation and Innovation Sciences | 2456-9860 | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JoIIS | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Mechanical and Mechanics Engineering | 2581-3722 | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JOMME | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of image processing and Artificial intelligence | 2581-3803 | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JOIPAI | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies | 2581-5326? | http://matjournals.in/index.php/JoWRPS | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advance Study and Research Work | 2581-5997 | www.ijasrw.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | 2455-3301 | http://www.wjpmr.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology | 2454-695X | http://www.wjert.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research | 2457-0400 | http://www.wjahr.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal Of Modern Pharmaceutical Research | 2319-5878 | http://www.ijmpronline.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and life sciences | 2454-2229 | http://www.wjpls.org | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Research and Reviews | 2636-8919 | http://www.injirr.com | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Science And Engineering | 2454-2016 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Business & Management Science | 2208-2190 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Educational Research | 2208-2204 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research | 2208-2158 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science | 2208-2174 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics | 2208-2212 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Medical and Health Science | 2456 - 6063 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Biological & Pharmaceutical Science | 2208-2166 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EPH - International Journal of Applied Science | 2208-2182 | https://ephjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
"IDEES-International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2455-4642 | http://idees.amrolicollegesurat.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2208-2395 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Mechanical & Civil Engineering | 2208-2379 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of advance research in computer science & engineering | 2456-3552 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Mathematics And Statistics | 2208-2409 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Pharmacy & Biological Science | 2208-2360 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Applied Science | 2208-2352 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Medical & Health Science | 2208-2425 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science | 2208-2417 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advance research in education and literature | 2208-2441 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Social Science & Humanities | 2208-2387 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advance Research in Business Management and Accounting | 2456-3544 | https://jiaats.com/ojs31/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Home Science | 0973-4732 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/AJHS.html | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
British Journal of Global Ecology and Sustainable Development | 2754-9291 | https://journalzone.org/index.php/bjgesd | United Kingdom | 8.405 | 9.025 |
International Journal of Commerce & Business Management | 0974-2646 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJCBM.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research Journal of Animal Husbandry & Dairy Science | 0976-5646 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/RJAHDS.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Forestry & Crop Improvement | 0976-562X | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJFCI.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Agricultural Economics & Statistics | 2229-7278 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/irjaes.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Engineering Technology in India | 0976-1268 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/ETI.html | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Processing & Post harvest Technology | 0976-5638 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJPPHT.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal. of Home Science Extension and Communication Management | 2348-1099 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/IJHSECM.html | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Rashtriya Krishi (Eng) | 0974-0759 | http://www.researchjournal.co.in/rkE.htm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Business Management | 2455-6661 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/bm | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research | 2456-2971 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/sshr | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Applied Science | 2455-6653 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/as | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Biological Science | 2455-7676 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/bs | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Mechanical And Civil Engineering | 2456-1479 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/mce | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Agriculture and Research | 2455-7668 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/ar | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Electrical And Electronics Engineering | 2456-6055 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/eee | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal Of Educational Research | 2456-2947 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/er | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Health Sciences and Nursing | 2456-298X | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/hsn | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Computer Science Engineering | 2456-1843 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/cse | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Applied Management Science | 2455-9229 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/ams | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IJRDO - Journal of Mathematics | 2455-9210 | https://ijrdo.org/index.php/m | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2456:8058 | http://ujpr.org/index.php/journal | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Physical Activity and Hormones | 2588-4220 | http://jpah.iaushiraz.ac.ir/ | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
E?itim Kuram ve Uygulama Ara?t?rmalar? Dergisi | 2149-7702 | http://ekuad.com/ | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2456-8058 | http://ujpr.org/index.php/journal | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) | 2395-0056 | https://irjet.net/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
shodhshree | 2277-5587 | http://www.shodhshree.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Proglas | 2367-8585 | http://journals.uni-vt.bg/proglas/eng/ | Bulgaria | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Zagazig University Medical Journal | 2357-0717 | http://zumj.journals.ekb.eg/ | Egypt | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken [ZfWT] / Journal of World of Turks [ZfWT] | 1868-8934 | http://www.dieweltdertuerken.org | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Kadim Akademi SBD | 2630-5941 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/kadimsbd | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Strategi?eskie reeniâ i risk-menedment | 2618-947X | https://www.jsdrm.ru/ | Russia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources | 2661-6289 | http://prithucollege.edu.np/journal/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research on Engineering Structures and Materials | 2148-9807 | http://jresm.org/ | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Ongoing Chemical Research | 2651-4338 | https://palvasha.net/journals/1 | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE) | 2278-1021 | https://ijarcce.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Research In Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) | 2321-2004 | https://ijireeice.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology(IARJSET) | 2393-8021 | https://iarjset.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
HOMEROS | 2667-4688 | http://ratingacademy.com.tr/ojs/index.php/homeros/ | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Traditional Medicine Research | 2413-3973 | https://www.tmrjournals.com/tmr | New Zealand | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Indian Journal of Hygiene and Public Health | 2455-1813 | http://www.ijhph.co.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Turkish Journal of Educational Studies | 2458-8210 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/turkjes | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research | 2250-0758 | http://www.ijemr.net | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Society and Security Insights | 2619-0230 | http://journal.asu.ru/ssi | Russia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Gulustan-Black Sea Scientific Journal of Academic Research | 2346-7541 | http://sc-media.org/gulustan-bssjar/ | Georgia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Kadim Akademi SBD | 2630-5941 | http://dergipark.gov.tr/kadimsbd | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Scholars in Education | 2667-4998 | dergipark.gov.tr/ueader | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Islamic Thought | 2232-1314 | http://www.ukm.my/ijit | Malaysia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Jambura Geoscience Review | 2656-0380 | http://ejurnal.ung.ac.id/index.php/jgeosrev/index | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Economics & Education | 2592-8236 | https://ee.isma.lv/ | Latvia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Encuentros | 2216135X | http://ojs.uac.edu.co/index.php/encuentros/index | Colombia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Suresh Gyan Vihar University International Journal of Environment, Science and Technology | 2394-9570 | http://www.gyanvihar.org/researchjournals/envirmental_science.php# | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) | 2581-6012 | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijmtss/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP) | 2581-6411 | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijhsp/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) | 2581-6942 | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijcsbe/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
nternational Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) | 2581-7000 | https://srinivaspublication.com/ijaeml/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
European Journal of Business and Social Sceinces | 2235-767 | https://ejbss.org | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Ceramics: Science and Life | 2521-6708 | https://ceramic-journal.org.ua | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society | 2668-0416 | http://jriss.4ader.ro/index.php | Romania | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Diseminasi | 2655-2221 | http://jurnal.ut.ac.id/index.php/DISEMINASI | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Revue Malienne d'Infectiologie et de Microbiologie | 1987-0876 | http://revues.ml/index.php/remim/ | Mali | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Research Practice | 1712851X | http://jrp.icaap.org/index.php/jrp/index | Canada | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Social Science & Humanities International | 2581-7965 | http://sshi.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Invention Of Scientific Journal | 2457-0958 | http://iisj.in/index.php/iisj | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal Of Medical Science In Clinical Research & Review | 2581-8945 | http://ijmscrr.in/index.php/ijmscrr | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Clinical Research In HIV AIDS and Prevention | 2324-7339 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcrhap | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Proteomics and Genomics Research | 2326-0793 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jpgr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Science and Technology | 2328-0182 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/japst | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Hypertension and Cardiology | 2329-9487 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Hematology and Oncology Research | 2372-6601 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhor | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Bioinformatics and Diabetes | 2374-9431 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbd | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of New Developments in Chemistry | 2377-2549 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jndc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Nutrition | 2379-7835 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijn | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Otolaryngology Advances | 2379-8572 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/joa | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Woman's Reproductive Health | 2381-862X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jwrh | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Ophthalmic Science | 2470-0436 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jos | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Neurological Research and Therapy | 2470-5020 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jnrt | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Antioxidant Activity | 2471-2140 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jaa | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Dermatologic Research and Therapy | 2471-2175 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jdrt | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Colon and Rectal Cancer | 2471-7061 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcrc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Dentistry and Oral Implants | 2473-1005 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jdoi | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Care | 2474-3585 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jpmc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Ageing Research and Healthcare | 2474-7785 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jarh | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Mental Health | 2474-9273 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbtm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Depression and Therapy | 2476-1710 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jdt | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Cancer Genetics and Biomarkers | 2572-3030 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcgb | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Glycomics and Metabolism | 2572-5424 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jgm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Evolving Stem Cell Research | 2574-4372 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jesr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Nephrology Advances | 2574-4488 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jna | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Thyroid Cancer | 2574-4496 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jtc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Obesity Management | 2574-450X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jom | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorder Research | 2574-4518 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jsdr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Digestive Disorders and Diagnosis | 2574-4526 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jddd | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research | 2574-612X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijpr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Veterinary Healthcare | 2575-1212 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jvhc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of DNA and RNA Research | 2575-7881 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jdrr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Brain and Spinal Cancer | 2576-182X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbsc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Fertility Biomarkers | 2576-2818 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jfb | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedical Science | 2576-6694 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbbs | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Organ Transplantation | 2576-9359 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jot | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Human Health Research | 2576-9383 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhhr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Immunization | 2577-137X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ji | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Human Anatomy | 2577-2279 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijha | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Spleen and Liver Research | 2578-2371 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jslr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Physiology Journal | 2578-8590 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ipj | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology | 2637-6075 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jpae | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advances in Plant Biology | 2638-4469 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/japb | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Neoplasms | 2639-1716 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jn | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Agronomy Research | 2639-3166 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jar | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Public Health International | 2641-4538 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jphi | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Clinical case reports and images | 2641-5518 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcci | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Medical Informatics and Decision Making | 2641-5526 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jmid | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Negative Results | 2641-9181 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijnr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 2641-9467 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jgrc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Toxicology | 2641-7669 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ject | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Family Medicine | 2640-690X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jfm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Tissue Repair and Regeneration | 2640-6403 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jtrr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Research (Urdu) | 1816-3424 | jorurdu.bzu.edu.pk | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of 360° Management Review | 2320-7132 | www.ij360mr.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Arab journal of sciences & research publishing | 2518-5780 | www.ajsrp.com | Israel | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GMJ Medicine | 2626-3041 | http://gmjpress.de | Germany | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology | 2581-9143 | https://rubatosis.org/journals/index.php/ijrpst/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Pakistan Business Review | 1561-8706 | https://pbr.iobm.edu.pk/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Quarterly Journal of Child Mental Health | 2423-3552 | http://childmentalhealth.ir/index.php?slc_lang=en&sid=1 | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Pacific University Journal of Social Sciences | 2456-7477 | www.pjss.ac.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Prosthodontics Dentistry (JOPD) | 2582-0362 | http://heb-nic.in/jopd | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Research in Indian Medicine (JRIM) | 2582-0648 | http://heb-nic.in/jrim | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Zaban-o-Adab | 2073-3674 | https://zabanoadab.gcuf.edu.pk/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
PLANT BREEDING AND SEED PRODUCTION | 2413-7510 | http://journals.uran.ua/pbsd | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Al-Azhr | 2519-6707 | http://al-azhaar.org/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Scientific journal "MECHANICS AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS | 2618-0650 | http://mmm-journal.com.ua/ | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Research | 2347-6346 | www.ijpdr.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | 2278-7496 | www.ajper.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Periodica Journal of Modern Philosophy, Social Sciences and Humanities | 2720-4030 | https://periodica.org/index.php/journal | Poland | 8.330 | 8.330 |
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education | 2580-1775 | http://sjdgge.ppj.unp.ac.id | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine | 2695-5075 | http://www.iberoamericanjm.periodikos.com.br/ | Brazil | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Medico-Legal Reporter | 2347-3525 | https://medicolegalreporter.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs | 2475-6156 | https://www.ijcua.com/index.php/ijcua | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Int J Rare Dis Disord | 2643-4571 | https://www.clinmedjournals.org/international-journal-of-rare-diseases-and-disorders.php | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR APPLIED SCIENCES | 2705-165X | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-applied-sciences/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Academic & Science Education Open Source Journal | 2668-8689 | http://aseo.ro | Romania | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advances in Nutrition and Food science | 2641-6816 | https://kosmospublishers.com/advances-in-nutrition-and-food-science/ | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES (IDOSR JAS) | 2550-7931 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-applied-sciences-idosr-jas/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (IDOSR-JSR) | 2550-794X | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-scientific-research-idosr-jsr/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND MANAGEMENT (IDOSR-JAM) | 2550-7974 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-arts-and-managements-idosr-jam/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND ENGLISH (IDOSR-JCE) | 2550-7958 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-communication-and-english-idosr-jce/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (IDOSR JHSS) | 2550-7966 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-humanities-and-social-sciences-idosr-jhss/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES (IDOSR-JES) | 2579-0781 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-experimental-sciences-idosr-jes/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (IDOSR-JAH) | 2579-0773 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-arts-and-humanities-idosr-jah/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN ARTS AND HUMANITIES (IDOSR-JCIAH) | 2579-0757 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-current-issues-in-arts-and-humanities-idosr-jciah-2/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IDOSR-JST) | 2579-079X | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-science-and-technology-idosr-jst/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF BANKING, ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES (IDOSR- JBESS) | 2579-082X | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-banking-economics-and-social-sciences-idosr-jbess/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES (IDOSR JCISS) | 2579-0765 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-current-issues-in-social-sciences-idosr-jciss/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ALLIED FIELDS (IDOSR-JBBAF) | 2579-0811 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-biochemistry-biotechnology-and-allied-fields-idosr-jbbaf/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND APPLIED SCIENCES (IDOSR-JCAS) | 2579-0803 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-computer-and-applied-sciences-idosr-jcas/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IDOSR JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY (IDOSR-JBCP) | 2579-0730 | https://www.idosr.org/idosr-journal-of-biology-chemistry-and-pharmacy-idosr-jbcp/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR ARTS AND HUMANITIES | 2705-1676 | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-arts-and-humanities/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR ARTS AND MANAGEMENT | 2705-1668 | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-arts-and-management/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES | 2705-1692 | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-experimental-sciences/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES | 2705-1684 | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-humanities-and-social-sciences/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INOSR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH | 2705-1706 | http://www.inosr.net/inosr-scientific-research/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research | 2320-5407 | www.journalijar.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medical Research and Review | 2320-8686 | https://ijmrr.medresearch.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) | 2320-5407 | http://www.journalijar.com/ | United Kingdom | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Suresh Gyan Vihar University Journal Of Climate Change And Water | 2347-7741 | https://www.gyanvihar.org/researchjournals/int_jou_climate_change_water.php# | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Pediatric Diseases | 2574-5603 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jpedd | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Medical Imaging Process & Technology | 2578-160X | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/mipt | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Trends in Horticulture | 2578-1812 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/th | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Financial Statistical Journal | 2578-1960 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/fsj | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Trends in Immunotherapy | 2573-5985 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ti | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Geography and Cartography | 2578-1979 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jgc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Analytical Chromatography and Spectroscopy | 2578-1766 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jacs | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Natural Resources Conservation and Research | 2578-1936 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/nrcr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Sustainable Forestry | 2578-2002 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/sf | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Imaging and Radiation Research | 2578-1618 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/irr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science | 2578-1839 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ijmss | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Polymer Science and Engineering | 2578-1855 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/jpse | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Ceramic Sciences and Engineering | 2578-1626 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/cse | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Anatomical Science | 2578-1804 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/as | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Computer Software and Media Applications | 2578-1669 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/csma | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Trends in Genetics and Evolution | 2578-1707 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/tge | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials | 2578-1995 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/can | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Transportation Management | 2578-1944 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/tm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Applied Chemical Engineering | 2578-2010 | https://systems.enpress-publisher.com/index.php/ace | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Purakala | 0751-2143 | https://www.purakala.com/index.php/0971-2143 | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) | 2222-3045 | https://innspub.net/journal/journal-of-biodiversity-and-environmental-sciences-jbes/ | Bangladesh | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Modern Management Forum | 2424-8444 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/MODERN-MANAGEMENT-FORUM | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Urban Transportation & Construction | 2424-8452 | http://utc.usp-pl.com/index.php/utc | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advances in Geoscience | 2424-8436 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/ag | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advanced Emergency Medicine | 2315-456X | http://aem.usp-pl.com/index.php/aem | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advanced Emergency Medicine | 2315-456X | http://aem.usp-pl.com/index.php/aem | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Finance and Market | 2424-8401 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/fm | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advances in Higher Education | 2424-8428 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/ADVANCES-IN-HIGHER-EDUCATION | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Concrete Technology | 2251-3337 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/CT | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Nursing | 2315-4578 | http://nursing.usp-pl.com/index.php/Nursing | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Electronics Science Technology and Application | 2424-8460 | http://esta.usp-pl.com/index.php/esta | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
. of Atmosphere and Ocean Environment | 2335-6545 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/JAOE | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
J. of Atmosphere and Ocean Environment | 2335-6545 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/JAOE | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Modern Transportation | 2315-4608 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/MT | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Marine and Environment | 2315-4594 | http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/ME | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Dentistry | 2661-3964 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/DEN | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Geology and Mining Research | 2661-3972 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/GMR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Geology and Mining Research | 2661-3972 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/GMR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Accounting, Auditing and Taxation | 2661-393X | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/AAT | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Environmental Science and Technology | 2661-3948 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/PES | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Food Science Research | 2661-3956 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/FSR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Soil Science | 2661-3999 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/SS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Animal Science | 2661-4030 | https://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/PAS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Media and Communication Studies | 2661-4111 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/MCS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Media and Communication Studies | 2661-4111 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/MCS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Media and Communication Studies | 2661-4111 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/MCS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Fishery Science & Aquaculture | 2661-4049 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/FSA | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Probe - Plant & Animal Sciences | 2661-4057 | http://probe.usp-pl.com/index.php/PPAS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga | 2581-785 | http://irjay.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences | 2455-0175 | http://www.sportscientistsviews.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SHODH SARITA | 2348-2397 | http://www.seresearchfoundation.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SHODH SANCHAR BULLETIN | 2229-3620 | http://www.seresearchfoundation.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Biological Innovations | 2582-1032 | http://ijbi.org.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics & Computer Science Engineering | 2348-2273 | https://www.ijeecse.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet | 2032-9377 | https://eudl.eu/journal/ue | France | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences | 2349-0659 | https://apjhs.com/index.php/apjhs/about | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
IOER International Multidisciplinary Research Journal | 2651-7701 | https://www.ioer-imrj.com/ | Philippines | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SUPREMO AMICUS | 2456-9704 | https://supremoamicus.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Corpus Juris | 2582-2918 | https://corpusjuris.co.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities | 2581-5369 | https://www.ijlmh.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GAP iNTERDISCIPLINARITIES - A Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies | 2581-5628 | https://www.gapinterdisciplinarities.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GAP GYAN- A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES | 2581-5830 | https://www.gapgyan.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
GAP BODHI TARU - A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES | 2581-5857 | https://www.gapbodhitaru.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Lex Forti | 2582-2942 | https://lexforti.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Corpus Juris: The Law Journal | 2582-2918 | https://corpusjuris.co.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
COMMONWEALTH JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH (CJAR) | 2708-4841 | https://www.cjar.eu/ | Austria | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Lex Humanitariae: Journal for a Change | 2582-5216 | http://www.lexhumanitariae.co.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovation Scientific Research and Review | 2582-6131 | http://journalijisr.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal on Integrated | 2620 3502 | http://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE/ | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ECONOMICS,FINANCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMEN | 2620-6269 | http://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJEFSD | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Academic Leadership | 1533-7812 | https://academicleadership.org | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SOUTHERN BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 0104-5431 | http://sbjchem.com/ | Brazil | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Agriculture & Sustainable Development | 2618-1193 | http://50sea.com/our-journals/ijasd/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology | 2618-1630 | http://50sea.com/our-journals/ijist/ | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Materials Physics and Chemistry | 2661-412X | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/MPC | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Architecture and Design Review | 2661-4294 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/ADR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Progress in Energy & Fuels | 2315-4640 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/PEF | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Financial Forum | 2251-2659 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/FF | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Lifelong Education | 2251-2683 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/LE | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Remote Sensing | 2315-4675 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/RS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Contemporary Special Education Research | 2315-4624 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/CSR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Preventive Medicine Research | 2251-2632 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/PMR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Frontiers of Mechatronical Engineering | 2661-4073 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/FME | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Reports in Clinical Studies and Medicine | 2661-4006 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/rcsm | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Global Finance Review | 2661-4162 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/GFR | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Human Resources Management and Services | 2661-4308 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/HRMS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Sports Science | 2661-409X | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/ISS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Business Administration and Management | 2661-4014 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/BAM | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Information | 2661-4081 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/II | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Networking and Telecommunications | 2661-4065 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/JNT | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Current Electronics and Telecommunications | 2661-4022 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/CET | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Material Science | 2630-4708 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/IMS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Energy Science | 2661-3042 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/I-ES | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Physics | 2661-3069 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/IP | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Nuclear Science | 2661-3077 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/INS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Civil Engineering | 2630-4716 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/ICE | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
General Surgery | 2529-7732 | http://ojs.piscomed.com/index.php/gs | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Chinese Medicine | 2661-3085 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/I-CM | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Statistics | 2661-3115 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/I-S | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Veterinary Science | 2661-3123 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/IVS | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Mechanics | 2661-3093 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/M | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Automatic Control | 2630-4724 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/IAC | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - Engineering and Technology | 2661-3050 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/IET | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Insight - News Media | 2661-3107 | http://insight.piscomed.com/index.php/INM | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Environment and Social Psychology | 2424-8975 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/esp | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | 2529-7775 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/nn | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Satellite Oceanography and Meteorology | 2424-9505 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/som | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Smart Construction Research | 2529-7740 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/scr | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Materials Science: Materials Review | 2529-7791 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/msmr | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Wireless Communication Technology | 2529-766X | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/wct | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Progress of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 2630-4643 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/peee | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Control and Systems Engineering | 2529-7759 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/cse | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Computer System Networking and Telecommunications | 2630-4635 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/csnt | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Signal and Information Processing | 2630-4805 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/S-IP | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Progress in Human Computer Interaction | 2630-4627 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/phci | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Big Data and Cloud Innovation | 2529-7805 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/bdci | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Chemical Research and Application | 2630-4775 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/jcra | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Information Engineering and Applied Computing | 2630-4619 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/ieac | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Computer Simulation in Application | 2630-4597 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/csa | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Biomed Communication | 2529-7635 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/bc | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Genetic Disease Study | 2529-7643 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/gds | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Expert Opinion on Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2529-7813 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/eoaa | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2630-4600 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/ijmp | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Progress in Applied Microbiology | 2630-4791 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/pam | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Big Data Analytics for Healthcare | 2630-4767 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/bdah | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Modern Materials Science and Technology | 2630-4783 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/mmst | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Vehicle Dynamics | 2529-7767 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/vd | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Medicines Development Sciences | 2382-6371 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/jmds | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advances in Precision Medicine | 2424-9106 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/apm | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Gene Science and Engineering | 2529-7651 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/gse | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Secure Communication and System | 2529-7678 | http://ojs.whioce.com/index.php/jscs | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
revue scientifique Avenir économique | 2352-9660 | https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/583 | Algeria | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
PHILOSOPHICAL READINGS | 2036-4989 | http://philosophicalreadings.org | Italy | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Transatlantic Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | 2672-5371 | https://tjmr.org/ | Nigeria | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Education | 2719-0609 | https://iiari.org/journal/international-journal-of-accounting-finance-and-education/ | Philippines | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Academe and Industry Research | 2719-0625 | https://iiari.org/journal/international-journal-of-academe-and-industry-research/ | Philippines | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies | 2719-0641 | https://iiari.org/journal/international-journal-of-educational-management-and-development-studies/ | Philippines | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology and Education | 2719-0668 | https://iiari.org/journal/international-journal-of-ict-and-education/ | Philippines | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Advanced Journal of AI & Robotics | 2737-4440 | https://ajrjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2717-4646 | https://www.europasianjournals.org/ | Nepal | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
http://ifsij.com/?page_id=253 | 2455-6114 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/bma | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Applied And Natural Science | 2208-2085 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/ans | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Biology & Pharmacy | 2208-2093 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/bp | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Advanced Computer Science And Engineering | 2208-2107 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/cse | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Educational Studies | 2208-2115 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/es | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Mathematics And Statistics | 2208-2662 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/ms | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Health Sciences And Nursing | 2208-2670 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/hsn | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Social Science And Humanities | 2208-2697 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/ssh | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Agricultural And Food Science | 2208-2719 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/afs | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Mechanical & Civil Engineering | 2208-2727 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/mce | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal For Research In Electronics & Electrical Engineering | 2208-2735 | https://gnpublication.org/index.php/eee | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Shodh Sampreshan | 097-6459 | shodhsampreshanjournal.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SDES-International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research | 2582-7162 | https://shreedadueducational.com/journal/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Innovación y Software | 2708-0935 | https://revistas.ulasalle.edu.pe/innosoft | Peru | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development | 2456-6470 | https://www.ijtsrd.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Pakistan Journal of Economic Studies | 2708-1486 | https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/pjes | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
In the Center of Economy | 2713-2242 | https://vcec.ru | Russia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Aksharwarta International Research Journal | 2349-2349 | www.aksharwartajournal.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Advanced Nanomaterials | 2737-4033 | https://ajanjournal.com/ | Singapore | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
nternational Journal for Computer and Emerging Technologies | 2348-1943 | http://irbjonline.in/ijcet/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Lex Research Hub Journal On Law And Multidisciplinary Issues | 2582 211X | https://journal.lexresearchhub.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences | 2348-8069 | https://ijarbs.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of PharmaO2 (IJPO) | 2582-4708 | http://ijpo.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Sosyolojik Ba?lam Dergisi | 2757-5942 | https://sosyolojikbaglam.org/tr/ | Turkey | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Management, Sciences, Innovation, and Technology IJMSIT | 0000-0000 | https://ijmsit.com/ | Syria | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
LEX BONA FIDE - Law Journal | 2582-7952 | www.lexbonafide.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Applied Chemical and Biological Sciences (IJACBS) | 2582-788 | https://ijacbs.net/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Rihan Journal for scientific publishing | 2709-2097 | http://rihan.fiker.org/ | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation | |
Jus Corpus Law Journal | 2582-7820 | www.juscorpus.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INDIAN JOURNAL OF SPORT STUDIES | 2229-3558 | IJSS.IN | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL FOR LAW STUDENTS AND RESEARCHERS | 2582-306 | https://www.jlsrjournal.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
RITAYANI | 2278-0688 | www.bbtmc.net | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Nyaayshastra Law Review | 2582-8479 | https://www.nyaayshastra.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
New Literaria | 2582-7375 | https://newliteraria.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Jus Corps Law Journal | 2582-7820 | www.juscorpus.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
InterScience-Education and innovative research | 2181-1717 | http://interscience.uz/ | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Eurasian Journal of Academic Research | 2181-2020 | innacademy.uz/current | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Guman | 2709-4162 | http://guman.com.pk/index.php/GUMAN | Pakistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
APEEJAY JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT&TECHNOLOGY | 0974-3294 | ajmt.apeejay.edu | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Science and Innovative Research-NOVUS | 2724-3338 | http://ijesir.org/ | Italy | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management (ijetrm) | 2456-9348 | http://www.ijetrm.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies | 0976-7797 | https://cognizancejournal.com/ | Sweden | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovation in Engineering | 2783-1906 | https://ijie.ir/ | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
journal of plant production science | 1735-4552 | http://jpps.iau-shoushtar.ac.ir/?lang=en | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences | 2349-9818 | http://informativejournals.com/journal/index.php/tjpls | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
European Journal of Medicine and Veterinary Sciences-Novus | 2784-9724 | http://ejmvs.novuspublishers.org/ | Italy | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovation in Management, Economics and Social Sciences | 2783-2678 | https://ijimes.ir | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Aging Research And Healthcare | 2474-7785 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jarh | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Coronaviruses | 2692-1537 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijcv | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Women's Reproductive Health | 2381-862X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jwrh | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology | 2689-5773 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcdp | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advances in Nanotechnology | 2689-2855 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jan | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Energy Conservation | 2642-3146 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jec | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Human Psychology | 2644-1101 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jhp | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Current Viruses and Treatment Methodologies | 2691-8862 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jvat | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Global Health | 2693-1176 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijgh | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Current Scientific Research | 2766-8681 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcsr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Model Based Research | 2643-2811 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jmbr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Evolutionary Science | 2689-4602 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jes | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Forensic Sciences | 2692-5915 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jafs | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Infection Prevention | 2690-4837 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijip | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine | 2690-0904 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijoe | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Parasite Research | 2690-6759 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jpar | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Enzymes | 2690-4829 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jen | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Respiratory Diseases | 2642-9241 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jrd | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of General Practice | 2692-5257 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijgp | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development | 2691-6622 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijar | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Pediatric Health And Nutrition | 2691-5014 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jphn | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2690-4721 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijcm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2643-6655 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jcap | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Pain Management | 2688-5328 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijp | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Radiation and Nuclear Medicine | 2766-8630 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jrnm | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Big Data Research | 2768-0207 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Breastfeeding Biology | 2644-0105 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jbfb | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Spine and Neuroscience | 2694-1201 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jsn | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Zoological Research | 2694-2275 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jzr | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Medical and Psychological Trauma | 2766-6204 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jmpt | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Limnology | 2691-3208 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijli | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Plant Genetics and Crop Research | 2641-9467 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jgrc | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Fungal Diversity | 2766-869X | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jfd | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Sports and Exercise Medicine | 2694-2283 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jsem | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Marine Science Journal | 2643-0282 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/imsj | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Entomology | 2768-5209 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/ijen | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Genetic Engineering | 2694-1198 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jge | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Water | 2769-2264 | https://openaccesspub.org/journal/jw | United States | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences-TJPLS Journal | 2349-9818 | https://informativejournals.com/journal/index.php/tjpls | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research and Analysis in Science and Engineering | 2582-8118 | https://www.iarj.in/index.php/ijrase | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Advanced Signal Processing | 2676-3397 | https://jasp.tabrizu.ac.ir/?lang=en | Iran | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Eurasian Journal of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Culture | 2181-2888 | https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejsspc | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
EURASIAN JOURNAL OF LAW, FINANCE AND APPLIED SCIENCES | 2181-2853 | https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejlfas | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Eurasian Journal of Mathematical Theory and Computer Sciences | 2181-2861 | https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejmtcs | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Eurasian Journal of MEURASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCES | 2181-287X | https://in-academy.uz/index.php/ejmns | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Science and Education | 2181-0842 | https://openscience.uz/ | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Law Audience Journal | 2581-6705 | https://www.lawaudience.com/law-journal | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences | 2181-1784 | https://www.oriens.uz/ | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Central Asian Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS) | 2181-2454 | https://carjis.org/en | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences | 2454-6224 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-agricultural-sciences/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries | 2454-7670 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-innovative-studies-in-aquatic-biology-and-fisheries/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture | 2454-9487 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-forestry-and-horticulture/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research | 2349-0349 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-managerial-studies-and-research/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science | 2349-0403 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-advanced-research-in-chemical-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Medicinal Plants and Natural Products | 2454-7999 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-medicinal-plants-and-natural-products/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 2455-7153 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-clinical-chemistry-and-laboratory-medicine/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications | 2349-4050 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-innovative-research-in-electronics-and-communications/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering | 2349-4859 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-computer-science-and-engineering/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 2454-9436 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-electrical-and-electronics-engineering/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering | 2454-9711 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-modern-studies-in-mechanical-engineering/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering | 2454-7980 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-petroleum-and-petrochemical-engineering/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering | 2454-8693 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-constructive-research-in-civil-engineering/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Mining Science | 2454-9460 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-mining-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature | 2347-3134 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-on-studies-in-english-language-and-literature/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education | 2349-0381 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-humanities-social-sciences-and-education/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of History and Cultural Studies | 2454-7654 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-history-and-cultural-studies/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Political Science | 2454-9452 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-political-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications | 2454-9479 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-media-journalism-and-mass-communications/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality | 2455-0043 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-in-tourism-and-hospitality/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research in Geography | 2454-8685 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-in-geography/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology | 2454-8677 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-in-sociology-and-anthropology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Sports and Physical Education | 2454-6380 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-sports-and-physical-education/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Biosciences | 2349-0365 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-bio-sciences/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology | 2454-941X | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-zoology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research in Environmental Science | 2454-9444 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-in-environmental-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany | 2455-4316 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-advanced-research-in-botany/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research Studies in Microbiology and Biotechnology | 2454-9428 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-micro-biology-and-bio-technology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research | 2347-3142 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-scientific-and-innovative-mathematical-research/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2455-1538 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-pharmaceutical-sciences/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science | 2349-7882 | https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-advanced-research-in-physical-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Anesthesiology | 2455-9792 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-anesthesiology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Cardiology | 2455-5991 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-cardiology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Clinical Case Reports | 2455-9806 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-clinical-case-reports/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Cancer Science | 2455-6009 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-cancer-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Dermatology | 2456-0022 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-dermatology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology | 2455-5983 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-diabetes-and-endocrinology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Dental Science | 2456-0030 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-dental-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Forensic Science | 2456-0049 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-forensic-science/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics | 2456-0561 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-gynecology-and-obstetrics/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Neuroscience | 2456-057X | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-neuroscience/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Orthopedics | 2456-0588 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-orthopedics/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Pediatrics | 2455-5711 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-pediatrics/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine | 2456-0596 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-public-health-and-community-medicine/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Surgery | 2455-572X | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-surgery/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Urology | 2456-060X | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-urology/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
ARC Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences | 2455-2518 | https://www.arcjournals.org/journal-of-nursing-and-healthcare/index | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences | 2347-226X | https://www.rroij.com/agriculture-and-allied-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology | 2322-0066 | https://www.rroij.com/biology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences | 2320-0189 | https://www.rroij.com/botanical-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Chemistry | 2319-9849 | https://www.rroij.com/chemistry.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences | 2320-7949 | https://www.rroij.com/dental-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences | 2347-7830 | https://www.rroij.com/ecology-and-environmental-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2319-9873 | https://www.rroij.com/engineering-and-technology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Food and Dairy Technology | 2321-6204 | https://www.rroij.com/food-and-dairy-technology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ) | 2347-6915 | https://internationaljournals.co.in/index.php/giirj | India | 9.125 | 10.665 |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering | 2278-8875 | https://www.rroij.com/international-journal-of-advanced-research-in-electrical-electronics-and-instrumentation-engineering.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering | 2320-9801 | https://www.rroij.com/international-journal-of-innovative-research-in-computer-and-communication-engineering.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | 2319-8753 | https://www.rroij.com/international-journal-of-innovative-research-in-science-engineering-and-technology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science | 2229-371X | https://www.rroij.com/global-research-in-computer-science.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Material Sciences | 2321-6212 | https://www.rroij.com/material-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Medical and Health Sciences | 2319-9865 | https://www.rroij.com/medical-and-health-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | 2320 - 3528 | https://www.rroij.com/microbiology-and-biotechnology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2320-1215 | https://www.rroij.com/pharmacy-and-pharmaceutical-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 2320-0812 | https://www.rroij.com/pharmaceutical-analysis.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology | 2347-7857 | https://www.rroij.com/pharmaceutics-and-nanotechnology.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry | 2321-6182 | https://www.rroij.com/pharmacognosy-and-phytochemistry.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies | 2322-0139 | https://www.rroij.com/pharmacology-and-toxicological-studies.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics | 2320-2459 | https://www.rroij.com/pure-and-applied-physics.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics | 2320-2459 | https://www.rroij.com/pure-and-applied-physics.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Research & Reviews: Journal of Zoological Sciences | 2321-6190 | https://www.rroij.com/zoological-sciences.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management | 2456-8066 | https://ijoaem.org | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) | 2348-1269 | https://www.ijrar.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
The Indian Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Applied Sciences (IJPESAS) | 2229-550X | https://sportscientistsviews.com | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovations in Engineering Research and Technology | 2394-3696 | https://www.ijiert.org | India | 8.215 | 10.775 |
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal | 2581-4230 | https://www.journalnx.com | India | 8.235 | 10.225 |
Journal of Sports Sciences | 2074-6032 | https://www.iasj.net/iasj/journal/172/issues | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Annals of Phytomedicine: An International Journal | 2393-9885 | http://www.ukaazpublications.com/publications/aims-and-scope/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum | 2311-9799 | https://jnhm.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/BINHM | Iraq | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of AL FATH | 8752-1996 | https://iasj.net/iasj/journal/167/jEditorial | Iraq | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Vpro Technologies International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovation | 2255-0140 | https://journal.vprotechnologies.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Annals of International Medical and Dental Research | 2395-2822 | https://www.aimdrjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Biology, Ecology, Science And Technology (IJARBEST) | 2395-695X | https://www.ijarbest.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Research Journal of Emerging Trends in Multidisciplinary (IRJETM) | 2395-4434 | http://ijrtmr.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education | 2455-5630 | http://ijsrme.rdmodernresearch.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education | 2455-5428 | http://ijcrme.rdmodernresearch.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education | 2455-4200 | http://ijatet.dvpublication.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Research (IJFAR) | 2320-7973 | https://www.ijfar.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Sanskruti International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (SIMRJ) | 2455-1511 | http://simrj.org.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research | 2456 - 3080 | http://ijaasr.dvpublication.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Computational Research and Development | 2456 - 3137 | http://ijcrd.dvpublication.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities | 2456 - 3145 | http://ijirah.dvpublication.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies (IJRRAS) | 2349-4891 | https://ijrras.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION YOGA AND HEALTH SCIENCES (IRFPEYHS) | 2349-6312 | http://snpublication.com/journal/ijeppeye | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
BRDU INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH | 2455-278X | http://www.ijmdr.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Engineering, Scientific Research and Applications | 2455 - 3964 | http://www.dsecjesra.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION | 0973-6190 | https://www.srkvcoe.org/JERE/index.php | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology | 2456 - 4664 | https://www.ijatest.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY | 2519-5115 | https://www.ijart.info/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Technical Research & Science (IJTRS) | 2454-2024 | https://www.ijtrs.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SANYOJAK International Journal of Commerce and Management (IJCM) | 2348-3032 | http://www.spec.edu.in | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Professional Development (IJPD) | 2277-517X | https://www.ijpd.co.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Information Movement (IJIM) | 2456-0553 | www.ijim.in | India | 5.750 | 6.225 |
International Journal of Library and Information Management (IJLIM) | 0975-878X | https://www.ijlis.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME) | 2454-6119 | http://rdmodernresearch.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS) | 2581-6012 | https://srinivaspublication.com/journal/index.php/ijmts/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP) | 2581-6411 | https://srinivaspublication.com/journal/index.php/ijhsp/home | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE) | 2581-6942 | https://srinivaspublication.com/journal/index.php/ijcsbe | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML) | 2581-7000 | https://srinivaspublication.com/journal/index.php/ijaeml | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
White Black Legal Law Journal | 2581-8503 | https://www.whiteblacklegal.co.in/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
SUPREMO AMICUS | 2456-9704 | https://supremoamicus.org/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE) | 2620-3502 | https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE | Indonesia | 7.425 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Human Computing Studies (IJHCS) | 2615-8159 | https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJHCS | Indonesia | 6.926 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development (IJEFSD) | 2620-6269 | https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJEFSD | Indonesia | 7.105 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal on Orange Technologies (IJOT) | 2615-8140 | https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJOT | Indonesia | 7.215 | Under Evaluation |
American Journal of Economics and Business Management (AJEBM) | 2576-5973 | https://www.grnjournals.us/index.php/ajebm | United States | 7.825 | Under Evaluation |
American Journal of Social and Humanitarian Research (AJSHR) | 2690-9626 | https://www.grnjournals.us/index.php/ajshr | United States | 7.535 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies | 2509-0119 | https://ijpsat.ijsht-journals.org/index.php/ijpsat | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal for Innovative Engineering and Management Research | 2456-5083 | https://www.ijiemr.org/ | India | 7.225 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Law Management & Humanities | 2581-5369 | https://www.ijlmh.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
European Scholar Journal | 2660-5562 | https://scholarzest.com/index.php/esj | Spain | 8.545 | 10.225 |
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability | 2660-5570 | https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejrds | Spain | 8.665 | 10.330 |
European Journal of Humanities and Educational Advancements | 2660-5589 | https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejhea | Spain | 8.455 | 10.105 |
European Journal of Agricultural and Rural Education | 2660-5643 | https://scholarzest.com/index.php/ejare | Spain | 8.775 | 10.445 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY | 2582-7359 | https://ijmrtjournal.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Academicia Globe: Inderscience Research | 2776-1010 | https://agir.academiascience.org/index.php/agir | Indonesia | 8.215 | 10.665 |
Emergent: Journal of Educational Discoveries and Lifelong Learning (EJEDL) | 2776-0995 | https://ejedl.academiascience.org/index.php/ejedl | Indonesia | 8.355 | 10.660 |
Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal (IT) | 2776-0987 | https://it.academiascience.org/index.php/it | Indonesia | 8.755 | 10.775 |
ResearchJet Journal of Analysis and Inventions- RJAI | 2776-0960 | https://reserchjet.academiascience.org/index.php/rjai | Indonesia | 8.115 | 10.480 |
Web of Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal (WoS) | 2776-0979 | https://wos.academiascience.org/index.php/wos | Indonesia | 8.525 | 10.105 |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAND SOCIAL SCIENCES | 2181-2047 | http://ijpsss.iscience.uz/index.php/ijpsss | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Academic Journal of Digital Economics and Stability | 2697-2212 | https://economics.academicjournal.io/index.php/economics/ | Spain | 7.225 | Under Evaluation |
PINDUS Journal of Culture, Literature, and ELT (PJCLE) | 2792-1883 | https://literature.academicjournal.io/index.php/literature | Spain | 7.115 | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Culture and Modernity | 2697-2131 | https://academicjournal.io/journals/international-journal-of-culture-and-modernity/ | Spain | 7.125 | Under Evaluation |
Middle European Scientific Bulletin | 2694-9970 | https://cejsr.academicjournal.io/index.php/journal | Czechia | 7.225 | Under Evaluation |
European Journal of Life Safety and Stability | 2660-9630 | http://ejlss.indexedresearch.org/index.php/ejlss | Spain | 7.885 | Under Evaluation |
INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN MODERN SCIENCE | 2414-634X | https://naukajournal.org/index.php/ISMSD | United Arab Emirates | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
PARADIGM OF KNOWLEDGE | 2520-7474 | https://naukajournal.org/index.php/Paradigm/issue/archive | Germany | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Journal Scientific Review | 2311-4517 | https://naukajournal.org/index.php/naukajournal | Ukraine | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIESAND SOCIAL SCIENCES | 2181-2047 | http://ijpsss.iscience.uz/index.php/ijpsss | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Innovative Analyses and Emerging Technology | 2792-4025 | http://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijiaet | Spain | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences | 2792-3983 | https://ijiase.com/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
International Journal of Development and Public Policy | 2792-3991 | http://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijdpp/index | Spain | 7.325 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Marketing and Emerging Economics | 2792-4009 | http://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/jmee | Spain | 7.415 | Under Evaluation |
Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication | 2792-4017 | http://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/jedic | Spain | 7.435 | Under Evaluation |
World Bulletin of Management and Law (WBML) | 2749-3601 | https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wbml | Germany | 8.255 | 10.225 |
World Bulletin of Social Sciences (WBSS) | 2749-361X | https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wbss | Germany | 8.355 | 10.265 |
World Economics & Finance Bulletin (WEFB) | 2749-3628 | https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wefb | Germany | 8.635 | 10.665 |
World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH) | 2749-3644 | https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wbph | Germany | 8.455 | 10.355 |
Eurasian Scientific Herald | 2795-7365 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/esh | Belgium | 8.560 | 9.765 |
Eurasian Journal of Learning and Academic Teaching | 2795-739X | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejlat | Belgium | 8.350 | 9.665 |
Eurasian Research Bulletin | 2795-7675 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/erb | Belgium | 8.950 | 9.785 |
Eurasian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences | 2795-7683 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejhss | Belgium | 8.650 | 9.550 |
Eurasian Journal of History, Geography and Economics | 2795-7659 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejhge | Belgium | 8.225 | 9.115 |
Eurasian Journal of Research, Development and Innovation | 2795-7616 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejrdi | Belgium | 8.355 | 9.220 |
Eurasian Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2795-7640 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejet | Belgium | 8.325 | 9.325 |
Eurasian Journal of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics | 2795-7667 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejpcm | Belgium | 8.655 | 9.110 |
Eurasian Journal of Media and Communications | 2795-7632 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/ejmc | Belgium | 8.355 | 9.005 |
Journal of Architectural Design | 2795-7608 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/jad | Belgium | 8.365 | 9.025 |
Eurasian Medical Research Periodical | 2795-7624 | https://geniusjournals.org/index.php/emrp | Belgium | 8.925 | 9.365 |
IJTIMOIY FANLARDA INNOVATSIYA ONLAYN ILMIY JURNAL | 2181-2594 | NA | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
BARQARORLIK VA YETAKCHI TADQIQOTLAR ONLAYN ILMIY JURNALI | 2181-2608 | NA | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
BOSHQARUV VA ETIKA QOIDALARI ONLAYN ILMIY JURNALI | 2181-2616 | NA | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
TA'LIM VA RIVOJLANISH TAHLILI ONLAYN ILMIY JURNALI | 2181-2624 | NA | Uzbekistan | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
The Peerian Journal | 2788-0303 | https://peerianjournal.com/index.php/tpj | Czech Republic | 8.355 | 8.995 |
Czech Journal of Multidisciplinary Innovations | 2788-0389 | https://peerianjournal.com/index.php/czjmi | Czech Republic | 8.225 | 8.905 |
Ibn Khaldoun Journal for Studies and Researches | 2789-3359 | https://www.benkjournal.com/ | United Arab Emirates | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan | 2540-9204 | https://ejournal.insuriponorogo.ac.id/index.php/adabiya/index | Indonesia | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
Asian Journal of Basic Science & Research | 2582-5267 | https://ajbsr.net/ | India | Under Evaluation | Under Evaluation |
PEDAGOGS | 2181-3027 | http://pedagoglar.uz/index.php/ped | Uzbekistan | 4.995 | Under Evaluation |
Global Scientific Review | 2795-4951 | http://scienticreview.com/index.php/gsr/index | Portugal | 8.255 | 8.956 |
American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences | 2832-1766 | https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajtas | USA | 7.235 | 9.115 |
Spectrum Journal of Innovation, Reforms and Development | 2751-1731 | http://sjird.journalspark.org/index.php/sjird/index | Germany | 8.665 | 8.975 |
Neo Scientific Peer Reviewed Journal | 2949-7752 | https://neojournals.com/index.php/nspj | Netherlands | 8.775 | 8.880 |
Neo Science Peer Reviewed Journal | 2949-7701 | https://neojournals.com/index.php/nsprj | Netherlands | 8.225 | 8.365 |
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development | 2720-5746 | http://ejird.journalspark.org/index.php/ejird/index | Poland | 8.445 | 8.995 |
European Journal of Emerging Technology and Discoveries | 2938-3617 | https://europeanscience.org/index.php/1 | Spain | 7.925 | 8.725 |
European Journal of Pedagogical Initiatives and Educational Practices | 2938-3625 | https://europeanscience.org/index.php/4 | Spain | 7.355 | 8.335 |
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Business Development | 2938-3633 | https://europeanscience.org/index.php/2 | Spain | 7.775 | 8.965 |
European Science Methodical Journal | 2938-3641 | https://europeanscience.org/index.php/3 | Spain | 7.995 | 8.330 |
Uzbek Scholar Journal | 2181-0772 | https://uzbekscholar.com/index.php/uzs | Uzbekistan | 6.825 | 7.125 |
E Global Congress | 2836-3612 | https://eglobalcongress.com/index.php/egc/index | USA | 6.775 | 7.225 |
Open Herald: Periodical of Methodical Research | 2810-6385 | https://academiaone.org/index.php/6 | Chile | 7.825 | 8.215 |
Progress Annals: Journal of Progressive Research | 2810-6466 | https://academiaone.org/index.php/8 | Chile | 7.995 | 8.115 |
Open Academia: Journal of Scholarly Research | 2810-6377 | https://academiaone.org/index.php/4 | Chile | 7.865 | 8.335 |
Wire Insights: Journal of Innovation Insights | 2810-6458 | https://academiaone.org/index.php/7 | Chile | 7.925 | 8.325 |
Diversity Research: Journal of Analysis and Trends | 2810-6393 | https://academiaone.org/index.php/2 | Chile | 7.665 | 8.550 |
Web of Scientists and Scholars: Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | 2938-3811 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/12 | Spain | 7.995 | 8.220 |
Web of Teachers: Inderscience Research | 2938-379X | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/1 | Spain | 7.995 | 8.325 |
Web of Discoveries: Journal of Analysis and Inventions | 2938-3773 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/3 | Spain | 7.825 | 8.110 |
Web of Medicine: Journal of Medicine, Practice and Nursing | 2938-3765 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/5 | Spain | 7.555 | 8.150 |
Web of Technology: Multidimensional Research Journal | 2938-3757 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/4 | Spain | 7.425 | 8.445 |
Web of Agriculture: Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences | 2938-3781 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/8 | Spain | 7.335 | 8.560 |
Web of Humanities: Journal of Social Science and Humanitarian Research | 2938-3803 | https://webofjournals.com/index.php/9 | Spain | 7.775 | 8.570 |
Western European Journal of Modern Experiments and Scientific Methods | 2942-1896 | https://westerneuropeanstudies.com/index.php/1 | Germany | 7.925 | 8.220 |
Western European Journal of Historical Events and Social Science | 2942-1926 | https://westerneuropeanstudies.com/index.php/4 | Germany | 7.995 | 8.325 |
Western European Journal of Linguistics and Education | 2942-190X | https://westerneuropeanstudies.com/index.php/2 | Germany | 7.880 | 8.120 |
Western European Journal of Medicine and Medical Science | 2942-1918 | https://westerneuropeanstudies.com/index.php/3 | Germany | 7.895 | 8.320 |
Pedagogical Cluster-Journal of Pedagogical Developments | 2956-896X | https://euroasianjournals.org/index.php/pc/index | Poland | 7.985 | 7.995 |
Intent Research Scientific Journal | 2980-4612 | https://intentresearch.org | Philippines | 7.785 | 8.325 |
International Journal of Scientific Trends | 2980-4299 | https://scientifictrends.org/index.php/ijst | Philippines | 8.650 | 8.895 |
Scholar's Digest- Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies | 2949-8856 | https://scholarsdigest.org/index.php/sdjms | Netherlands | 7.755 | 8.260 |
International Journal of Studies in Advanced Education | 2949-8864 | https://scholarsdigest.org/index.php/ijsae | Netherlands | 7.885 | 8.340 |
International Journal of Studies in Natural and Medical Sciences | 2949-8848 | https://scholarsdigest.org/index.php/ijsnms | Netherlands | 7.965 | 8.665 |
International Journal of Studies in Business Management, Economics and Strategies | 2949-883X | https://scholarsdigest.org/index.php/bmes | Netherlands | 7.925 | 8.885 |
American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research | 2832-9791 | https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper | USA | 7.955 | 9.335 |
American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking | 2832-8078 | https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajbmeb | USA | 7.725 | 8.960 |
American Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences | 2832-8019 | https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajrhss | USA | 7.855 | 9.445 |
Proximus Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education | 2942-9943 | https://proximusjournal.com/index.php/PJSSPE/index | Germany | 6.225 | 7.010 |